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Spicy Moroccan Chickpeas with Beet Noodles and a Fried Egg


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This was so good and so easy! We used the recipe from Inspiralized (and local copy). We basically just followed the recipe except we added the onion at the end just so it could get nice and aromatic but not burned.

We also topped it with a fried egg. It made enough for two dinners but didn't really leave enough for lunch. We basically got 3 medium plates out of the topping (though we had some beets leftover). Honestly, the hardest part was peeling and spiralizing the beets followed by cleanup.

We forgot the mint so we need to make sure we don't forget it next time.

Spicy Moroccan Chickpeas with Beet Noodles (from Inspiralized)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9155, 2014-11-06_195513